We invite people who shape the world of TypeScript. Get hyped with us!
HejlsbergLead Architect of TypeScript
KastilioTeamlead at Snyk
BelderDeno core team
MarlenyApplication Engineer at The LEGO® Group
RusFounding Engineer at Private Collectors Club
HeiberEngineer at Bloomberg
RiekenVS Code Team
SchottCreator of Pika
On March 30, you have the possibility to dive deeper in certain topics.
KrönerAdvanced Type Level Programming In TypeScript
Compared to other mainstream programming languages TypeScript's type system is somewhat unorthodox. In order to integrate with the otherwise chaotic dynamically-typed JavaScript ecosystem, TypeScript makes certain unusual tradeoffs on one hand but also allows a skilled programmer to express some rather interesting constraints with advanced...Workshop DetailsDavid
TanzerTest-Driven Development with TypeScript
Test-Driven Development sounds easy: “Red-Green-Refactor”… and repeat. But doing it well is harder than most people think and learning it can be a life-time endeavor. In this workshop, you will learn the basics: How to write a good failing test, make it green and refactor towards better design. One of the first things you must learn when starting...Workshop DetailsAdvanced Type Level Programming In TypeScript By Peter Kröner
Compared to other mainstream programming languages TypeScript's type system is somewhat unorthodox. In order to integrate with the otherwise chaotic dynamically-typed JavaScript ecosystem, TypeScript makes certain unusual tradeoffs on one hand but also allows a skilled programmer to express some rather interesting constraints with advanced...Test-Driven Development with TypeScript By David Tanzer
Test-Driven Development sounds easy: “Red-Green-Refactor”… and repeat. But doing it well is harder than most people think and learning it can be a life-time endeavor. In this workshop, you will learn the basics: How to write a good failing test, make it green and refactor towards better design. One of the first things you must learn when starting...
All workshops include a small breakfast, lunch, coffee, drinks, and snacks during the day.
Combi-Tickets are available